Since I moved to a new blog, there may be some confusion left and right on where you can find my old stuff, including some of my most linked to and most downloaded works.
Here’s a list of my old blog’s top items:
- iOS icon PSD: I suggest you also read Neven’s post about it.
- Wallpapers and free icons: all still available. Let me know if any links break!
- UI Breakdowns: Snow Leopard, iPad, iOS 3, Safari, iWork, Notification UI in mobile OSes
- My post about Steve Jobs
- That time I designed logos for Pokemon
- The first time my design work was featured in an Apple ad
- Rants on gaming
- The Mozilla Ubiquity open design process
- the (legendary) Steam Redesign
- Case Studies, like the Interarchy icon design and Here, File File icon design or the design of the iPhone game Warships
- Making a Mac Media Server with a few easy steps
- The First Photoshop Icon, featuring guest appearances of the original creators of Photoshop.
- Graphing AirPort Extreme Traffic with MRTG
- The old ‘about me’ post.
- And yes, my T-Shirt is still available, too.
If you notice the old pages breaking, please don’t let me know. I really don’t care, it can look bad, but unless a link is broken to something you need I am not going to spend time on fixing it. It’s like a museum! Or ruins! Yay, archeology.
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